Tuesday, March 20, 2007

# 2 Quotes: "Nothing We Do For Children is Ever Wasted

Go to this site http://everwasted.blogspot.com/
Read the Assignment at the top of the page.
Send an essay responding to the quote. Use other writers words for ideas and then write your own

Monday, March 19, 2007

# 3 Skills Test

This site will help you practice searching blogs and you will read other students written works. They were nervous just like you may be. Enjoy the stories


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Saturday, March 10, 2007

# 5 Meaningful Quotes

Click on this site for examples of other writers responses to quotes.
Go to a search engine like http://www.google.com/ type in words like quotes , meaningful quotes, political quotes, humourous quotes. Find at least one meaningful quote and and write some words in response to the quotes. You may choose one or more.
Harry Truman said, "The Buck stops Here."

Friday, March 9, 2007

# 6 Movie Reviews

Choose a movie you enjoyed and write a review. Go beyond telling us only what happened in the movie. Tell why you enjoyed the movie and what others may enjoy about it. Use examples from this link. http://julyreviews.blogspot.com/
Also search the internet for examples of movie reviews. Type the title of the movie into the Google search box. http://www.google.com/
Type your review in Microsoft Word and send to keithalc06@yahoo.com